InRegenerate The Futurebyjenny anderssonAn Economy of Place: Part 13 — Food SystemsLOCALISING THE FOOD SYSTEM — Naive optimism or a real prospect?Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
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InThe Bad InfluencebyPatrick MetzgerShortages And Rising Prices Are Here To StayThe link between the economic crisis, the climate crisis, and the great collapseNov 3, 202116Nov 3, 202116
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InRegenerate The Futurebyjenny anderssonIs our society really collapsing? What are the stages of collapse?Part 2: the stages of collapseDec 5, 20194Dec 5, 20194
InPredictbyMarc Botha2040 the world will collapse — This MIT computer has confirmed itA computer program developed at MIT predicts that we will see the end of our civilization in 2040. We must expect the first catastrophes…Feb 11, 201911Feb 11, 201911
Dave TroyAct III: CollapseThe American story since 2015 can be told neatly in three acts. First, capture: our population was attacked with a potent mix of…Jul 18, 2018Jul 18, 2018
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Carolyn McBrideHow To Regain Control Over Your FoodHow to take back control of what you put in your body.Oct 10, 2021Oct 10, 2021
Carolyn McBrideHow You Can Increase Your Resilience In a Changing WorldWhen was the last time you had a power outage that lasted for more than three hours? Has your neighborhood ever flooded or come through a…Apr 11, 2018Apr 11, 2018
InNew Writers WelcomebyCarolyn McBrideSupply Chain Links Are Breaking. What Now?Proof that the old system is crumbling. the signs can’t be ignored.Oct 19, 20218Oct 19, 20218
Carolyn McBrideDo You Know What You’re Eating?Hint: It’s tied to your health…Oct 27, 20211Oct 27, 20211
InWrite To InspirebyCarolyn McBride4 Things You Can Do To Increase IndependenceOr, the Importance of BasilOct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
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InTea with Mother NaturebyCarolyn McBride10 Rules For A Self-Sufficient Veggie GardenAdvice From A GardenerNov 16, 20212Nov 16, 20212
Carolyn McBrideChristmas Excess Will Only Make It WorseBut How Can We Make A Difference?Nov 19, 2021Nov 19, 2021