How To Fight the Economic Undertow

Carolyn McBride
3 min readApr 28, 2022


Take back your power

Photo by Amy Reed on Unsplash

The North American economy is going to the crapper.

Okay, it’s already there and swirling, but you get my point.

We have a global economy, and what happens in the U.S affects us here in Canada. So, as much as I hate the news, I do try and keep one ear on it; if only to find out in which direction the world is falling into the crapper.

It’s pretty much doing a freefall bellyflop. But what can we do about it?

Photo by Zlaťá on Unsplash

Preppers talk a lot about global weather patterns, imports and exports, who grows what, the loss of North America’s manufacturing industry, and how much wheat we export while the price of our bread goes up. I’ve talked before about how the weather impacts the price of our groceries. Many talk about stashing money away at home, cashing in whatever savings bonds they have, buying silver coins, cutting up credit cards, or in some cases, getting credit cards.

Some folks talk about the underground economy, and it’s something that I see a lot of up here in Canada. Folks are no longer reporting that they’re looking for work, they’ve found a way to “work under the table” and yet still support their family.

I know some folks that would advocate putting enough money aside so if you were laid off for a year, you could still live comfortably. But I also know how many of us live from paycheck to paycheck, and it’s not possible to put money aside in that case. So for many of us, it’s a delicate dance.

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I suggest buying an extra box of cereal, or an extra can of tuna or two, perhaps an extra can of frozen juice, or maybe an extra package of chicken quarters if you can. Add your extra to your grocery list. Yes, it’s more fun to use that extra $8 to treat yourself to lunch, but if you use that extra $8 to buy a jar of peanut butter instead, it might make the difference between your kids skipping lunch or eating.

I personally have chosen not to eat a couple of meals a week, repeatedly, so my kids could have more food. It happens more than you think to more people than you might realize. It’s important to support our financially challenged neighbors and empower them to have access to better quality food, and allow them to take control and have some pride back.

It’s all about control and independence.

Those that can help, however, should. If you can spare a can of tuna, or peanut butter for a food bank, no matter what the season, consider sharing it. So many families, on both sides of the border, live with malnutrition simply because they don’t have access to the kind of food they need. A can of soup can make a big difference.

I volunteered at a food bank many years ago, and it used to drive me crazy how many out-of-date cans of soup there were. The food bank had to throw these out because they weren’t allowed to pass them on. But, I also saw gardening folks bring in bins full of fruit & vegetables. It gave me hope, and the inspiration to do the same when I could.

So I encourage all of you this week to do something positive, for both yourselves, and for your neighbors.

Go out to lunch less, put some food aside for a wintery or $ crunched day. Share what food you do have with those who don’t have enough themselves.

You’ll be glad you did.

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Carolyn McBride

I’m a self-sufficiency enthusiast, an author of novels & short stories, a reader, a gardener, lover of good chocolate, coffee & life in the woods.