About That Silver Tape…

Carolyn McBride
The Shortform
Published in
Nov 17, 2021


Photo courtesy of memesmonkey.com

I think everyone has a roll in a drawer or backpack somewhere. It’s come so far from its early days of sticky silver tape. Yes, I’m referring to duct tape. Ever wonder how it was invented?

During WW2, researchers at Johnson & Johnson were tasked by the U.S Military to create a waterproof tape that would keep their ammunition cases dry. Dry ammunition is pretty important if you’re a soldier fighting hostiles! The tape was stronger than expected. It had a rubbery adhesive on the bottom, a fabric weave layer, and was topped by a polyethylene layer. It was sticky, waterproof but could still be ripped into strips by soldiers in the field. In fact, it was so waterproof that for many years, it was called “duck tape” in reference to the waterfowl with water-repellent feathers.

Now you know!



Carolyn McBride
The Shortform

I’m a self-sufficiency enthusiast, an author of novels & short stories, a reader, a gardener, lover of good chocolate, coffee & life in the woods.